

If I take a minute to think about the future, I can't imagine many things because I don't like think about what will be. Probably because I can't controle it, probably I can't do nothing with it. However, I believe that we make the future little by little: each decision has consequences, good or bad, and we must deal with it. And no decision is right or wrong, just the morale is a big trap. It's sounds a bit pessimistic? It's more, when I read instructions for this blog, the image of Akira (80s japanese film) came to my head. The world in Akira, precisely the Japan of Akira "Neo-Tokyo", is a dystopian place with powerful instruments and experiments in 2019. So, if I can travel to the future, I would love go to Japan to discover if the Akira's world came true finally because in 2019, nothing look like that. For that, I would stay there obviously, although I'm not sure I will survive... but I would still hate the misuse of "the power". 


Welcome back! Since 7 years ago, I think my suitable job is any where I can interact with other people and help them. For that principal reason, I'm studying Psychology currently... But, if I'm honest, my idea of workplace has changed. Previously, I imaginated myself in a clinical center exercising my future profession because it was the most common idea that I had before starting to study. Today, I want work  to help children and adolescents, above all, I would like work in schools to accompany them in their educational process. They spend a lot of time (day by day, year by year) in classrooms. There they develop like a future adults and citizen, that is why it is important to generate social changes.  If you wonder If I want travel for my job, my answer is: yes absolutely!!! The idea of traveling always I have loved. So I hope have many work trips!! It would be a big opportunity to learn so much to be a good professional.  Like write anteriorly, I'm psychology student rig


HEY- For me, it isn't easy choose just one of three topic to write, because my favorite series, movies and books make me happy and I feel excited when I talk or write about them. However, I prefer tell you about my favorite book until this moment.  Amberes written by Roberto Bolaño, a chilean artist who lived in Mexico for years, was published in 2002 for first time, months before Bolaño died. If I can catalog this book, I would do it like a poem with 56 short chapters, but oficially Amberes is a novel. The Amberes plot is very-very confused because story narrates different events from point of view of many characters, without explicit details. Little by little, the reader can discover that novel is a detective story, but the case remains difficult to solve. Also, each point of view slowly and subtly connects through flashbacks, memories or hallucinations, even there chapthers that break the fourth wall using second person grammatical and inviting us to imagine.  It's weird, is


When I was 4 or 5 years old, I watched Dora the Explorer. I really loved the serie, even I woke up early to watch it and my parents and brothers told me I looked like Dora because I had short hair for years and my skin was a little bit brunette (for playing a lot in the sun). I remember I discovered Dora the Explorer when my family got cable TV. But the cable TV didn't last long...  So I could only access to national TV, channels like Mega and TVN. There I "fall in love" with 31 Minutos. Now I know 31 Minutos was transmited in 2003 for first time, then I saw the serie 2 or 3 years later. Since that time, I have felt too much appreciation for the program. Sometimes I watch 31 Minutos in YouTube and I enjoy like first ocassion. Juan Carlos Bodoque is the best character, change my mind. Special mention to Malcolm in the Middle, other great serie <3


HI THERE! Gorillaz played in Chile for first time on march 20th 2018. Their stage was Movistar Arena in Santiago. That concert is one of my favorite experiences for many reasons!  First of all, I went with my brother Sebastian. And second, I have considered myself a big fan until now, so the idea that Gorillaz come to Chile was marvelous.  About atmosphere of performance... I don't have word to describe it. People sang lyrics loudly, danced and jumped to much, from the beginnig to the end. Us too, obviously! Everybody was energetic, even collaborating musicians. I remember they played favorite song of my brother, On Melancholly Hill. Gorillaz are a virtual band created by Damon Albarn from Blur and Jamie Hewlett. Animated members of the band are 2-D, Murdoc, Russel and Noodle. They have unique personalities and many curious and long stories to tell. For example... Noodle came to Kong Studios (first home of band) in a FedEx box from Japan when she was 9 years old only. 

I. JAPAN: hanami's country

Hello! I can't choose just one country I would like to visit. It's complicated! Don't you think? So... I thought twice what choose before I start to write this.  Finally I decided Japan.  And you wonder why... or not? I hope so!  Japan is known as anime cradle. Japanese animation is unlimited and global art. There plots to all preferences and ages. However, their culture goes beyond spectacular animation. Japan has various religions, traditions, panoramas and tourist places like Mount Fuji, Shibuya 109 (a giant shopping mall!!), Tokyo Tower, etc.  I would like to go because I believe Japan is a syncretism place between traditions and modernity. Besides, my brother Sebastian has visited Japan in two occasions, and he told me him adventures there. He motivated me to save my money to travel together after pandemic. One of things I would love do is wear a traditional clothes, see hanami (custom about observing beauty of flowers) and practice cha-no-yu or japanese tea ceremony.