HEY- For me, it isn't easy choose just one of three topic to write, because my favorite series, movies and books make me happy and I feel excited when I talk or write about them.

However, I prefer tell you about my favorite book until this moment. 

Amberes written by Roberto Bolaño, a chilean artist who lived in Mexico for years, was published in 2002 for first time, months before Bolaño died. If I can catalog this book, I would do it like a poem with 56 short chapters, but oficially Amberes is a novel.

The Amberes plot is very-very confused because story narrates different events from point of view of many characters, without explicit details. Little by little, the reader can discover that novel is a detective story, but the case remains difficult to solve. Also, each point of view slowly and subtly connects through flashbacks, memories or hallucinations, even there chapthers that break the fourth wall using second person grammatical and inviting us to imagine. 

It's weird, isn't? Weird because I emphasize how difficult its is to undertand Amberes. But! That is the magic and the reason why can still reading. 

Bolaño said he liked this novel because he wasn't interested in people understanding the plot. 


  1. wow it sounds really interesting. I'll try to buy this book, thanks for the review

  2. marvelous! I find it super interesting. I hope one day to read it.

  3. I think Bolaño is a great writer, I didn't know this book and it sounds very interesting!

  4. From what you tell him, it seems to me a very interesting book that makes you curious to read.

  5. Sounds very interesting, I will read this book

  6. Checked for both progression and completion. For the details of the assessment go to the final comments left on your blog.


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