
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021


If I take a minute to think about the future, I can't imagine many things because I don't like think about what will be. Probably because I can't controle it, probably I can't do nothing with it. However, I believe that we make the future little by little: each decision has consequences, good or bad, and we must deal with it. And no decision is right or wrong, just the morale is a big trap. It's sounds a bit pessimistic? It's more, when I read instructions for this blog, the image of Akira (80s japanese film) came to my head. The world in Akira, precisely the Japan of Akira "Neo-Tokyo", is a dystopian place with powerful instruments and experiments in 2019. So, if I can travel to the future, I would love go to Japan to discover if the Akira's world came true finally because in 2019, nothing look like that. For that, I would stay there obviously, although I'm not sure I will survive... but I would still hate the misuse of "the power".