
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2021


Welcome back! Since 7 years ago, I think my suitable job is any where I can interact with other people and help them. For that principal reason, I'm studying Psychology currently... But, if I'm honest, my idea of workplace has changed. Previously, I imaginated myself in a clinical center exercising my future profession because it was the most common idea that I had before starting to study. Today, I want work  to help children and adolescents, above all, I would like work in schools to accompany them in their educational process. They spend a lot of time (day by day, year by year) in classrooms. There they develop like a future adults and citizen, that is why it is important to generate social changes.  If you wonder If I want travel for my job, my answer is: yes absolutely!!! The idea of traveling always I have loved. So I hope have many work trips!! It would be a big opportunity to learn so much to be a good professional.  Like write anteriorly, I'm psychology student rig